According to UK Data Proctection Act (hereinafter “DPA”), PRAMAC GENERAC UK Ltd with its registered offices in The Energy Innovation Centre Units 3+4, Stepnell Park, Lawford Road, Rugby, Warwickshire, England, CV21 2UX (”Prama Generac UK”), wholly owned by PR Industrial s.r.l., in the quality of Data Controller, informs individuals, hereinafter “Customer(s)” acceding to the websites and (hereinafter the “Websites”) to purchase products by Pramac Generac UK, on the scope, manner, nature, communication and disclosure of data collected by the Customer(s).


1.) Type of Data 


Pramac Generac UK collects data provided voluntarily by the Customers on the forms present on the Website such as: personal and identification data, telephone and e-mail addresses, company data, current account details and/or other ordinary data strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes referred to in the following point 2.


2.) Purpose of the processing


2.1 Customer’s personal data is collected and processed for the purposes to execute the purchase agreements of the products and to allow Pramac Generac UK to fulfil the obligations established by the law, by the current fiscal, administrative and accounting rules, as well as to correctly fulfil the obligations assumed in execution of the agreements entered into. 

2.2 Data processing may also take place for direct marketing purposes.


3.) Manner of processing and use of the data 


Customer’s personal data will mainly be processed using electronic means, or in any case automatically, according to the DPA and in any case through the implementation of the specific security measures in order to prevent loss of data, illicit or improper use and/or unauthorised access.

Data is stored on electronic and/or paper form, in compliance with the applicable laws and limited to the necessary term to achieve its purpose.


4.) Legitimacy of the processing and optional or obligatory consent


For the purposes referred to in the above item n. 2.1 submission of data by Customer is necessary and, failure to provide data requested, even partially, will result in the impossibility i) to perform the obligations arising from the agreement in which the data subject is involved and/or ii) to provide the offered/requested services; in relation to this purpose, consent is not required.

Processing under item 2.2, carried out for direct marketing purposes on products or services similar to those purchased by the Customer, finds its applicability on Pramac Generac’s legitimate interest to promote its own products or services in a context where data subject may reasonably expect such processing, to which Customer may oppose at any time


5.) Communication and transfer of personal data  


Customer data is collected and processed at the offices of Pramac Generac UK or at the offices of the technical staff appointed for the maintenance of the Website, called the External Processor. 

Without prejudice to those communications made to fulfil legal obligations, all data collected for the purposes set forth under item 2 may be communicated to the following:

  • parties appointed by Pramac Generac UK to perform activities directly related or connected to the delivery and distribution of products or services requested by Customer;
  • parties that may become aware of data due to their role as Data Processor or as people in charge of the Pramac Generac UK data processing.

The data will not in any case be subject to dissemination.


6.) Customer’s Rights


Customer has the right to ask Pramac Generac UK, at any time, for access to his Personal data, rectification or erasure of such data (so-called “right to be forgotten”) or to object to their processing in the cases provided for under section 45 and followings do the DPA; Customer has the right to restriction of processing in the cases provided for under section 47 of the DPA, and the right to obtain the data concerning him (portability)  in a structured format, of common use and readable from an automatic device, in the cases provided for under section 48 of the DPA.

In any case, Customer always has the right to lodge complaint with the relevant supervisory authority (Commissioner) pursuant to section 51 of the DPA, should Customer considers that the processing of his data is contrary to applicable legislation.

Furthermore, Customer has the right to revoke consent at any time; revocation of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent obtained before the revocation.

To exercise his rights, Customer may at any time contact the Data Controller or related Data Processor(s) contacting Pramac Generac UK, sending a fax to the number +44 1788 567 123 or emailing